Content for websites. We'll ghost write original content for you - you own the copyright. But, if you want a website built and prefer to contribute the content yourself, we'll edit it for you. We encourage you to provide your own original content, because no one knows your business like you do. When we edit, we do our best to maintain your voice - keep it sounding like you.
If you already have a site and only need help with the content, either writing the content or editing your copy, we can help.
If you are an FALDP member, after we have completed your site, we will review your site content for language that may be a possible red flag for UPL violations. However, we take no responsibility for the content that you elect to display on your site. You are ultimately responsible for the language that you choose to display, the way that you advertise your services, and the services that you advertise.
Horizon Research Network, LLC is a limited liability company separate from FALDP,LLC.